Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Critters in Puhoi

Lately, we have encountered some interesting creatures in Puhoi. Denem found a little spiky ball in the yard that turned out to be a hedgehog. Quentin got the garden gloves in an attempt to catch the hedgehog. Much to his surprise, he merely walked up to "Hedgie" and picked him (or her) up. The kids decided that he would be our new pet. We looked up on the internet that they eat bugs and worms and such, so the kids searched for some Hedgie food and set him up in a box with a complete feast. However, the next day the kids decided to let Hedgie roam.

Hedgie was a welcomed guest, but the next critter was not - the Norwegian rat. Unfortunately, we suspected that there may be a whole tribe of them living under the house. We tolerated them when we spotted a lone rat once a month or so, but all of sudden we had daily sitings. The boys found a hole that they seemed to jump in and out of. So they set up an ambush with their bows and arrows. They apparently got a few good shots off, but no rats. We put some rat poison under the house and it was gobbled up. But the rats were still around. We bought a $20 plastic trap - it wasn't strong enough because the rat would trip the trap but manage to squirm its way out. So next, it was $6 Victor traps (made just outside of Philadelphia). Those sneaky rats took the bait several times, even tripping the trap without being snared. But we finally got one. We dropped him (or her, we definitely didn't attempt to check) into a triple-ply plastic bag. Isaac, holding the bag, said "I can't believe I am holding a dead rat! Uggh!" Definitely an understatement.