Sunday, June 20, 2010

Belize - Day 2 - Lamanai ruins

We were all awake early due to the jungle noises---lots of birds chattering and howler monkeys groaning. So Beth was up to take a picture of a wonderful sunrise from our front porch.

After a HUGE breakfast, we set out with Mauricio to the Lamanai ruins to see an ancient Mayan town where 60,000 Mayans used to live. We visited three temples and a courtyard. The tallest temple is the third tallest Mayan temple in Belize. It had many steep steps in blazing sun.

We were a sweaty mess, but we did climb to the tippy top and had a gorgeous view of the jungle and New River lagoon below.

But then we needed to go down ... definitely scarier then going up.

We kept hearing howler monkeys, but didn’t see any until the end of our walk when we spotted a lone one lounging on a high tree branch. We went home and jumped in the water hoping for some refreshment, but the water was nearly as warm as the air temperature. We hung out in the water a bit and then went to lunch. Another enormous and delicious meal. The afternoon was devoted to lazing around.