Sunday, December 23, 2007

Scuba Diving with Xavier and Quentin

Xavier and Quentin took a four-day course to become PADI junior open water divers with Goat Island Dive shop in Leigh. For a month before the course, we started reading and studying the handbook together. (The boys didn’t realize they would have to study to become certified and so, unfortunately, plenty of prodding and cajoling was necessary.) Then, the first weekend, Xavier and Quentin did some classroom work followed by practicing skills in the pool. On the second weekend, there was more classroom work followed by dives in the ocean. They had to do two open water dives from the shore and two from the boat in conditions that were less than ideal. The water was cold and the weather had been stormy. There was strong surf and limited visibility. We were tossed about while doing skills in ten meters of water. Despite being saddled with a big tank, a bulky BCD and about eight kilos of lead tied around their waists, both boys did their skills with aplomb. They are now certified divers. We are guessing that Quentin may be the youngest diver on the planet as he started the course the day after his 10th birthday, the cut-off for being a junior diver.