Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween in New Zealand

We thought the kids were OK with not having Halloween this year. We were so wrong. On Halloween day, they started to complain that they didn’t have costumes and why couldn’t they trick-or-treat in Puhoi (could you hear the whining way over there?!?!). New Zealanders have a confusing, troubled relationship with Halloween. The kids talk about it constantly and conger up ways to go from door to door seeking lollies from strangers, like their American counterparts. The adults, however, deny its existence and boldly assert that “it just isn’t done here”. We didn’t know what to do or how to do it without a lot awkwardness and stress. Consequently, we made in promptu costumes (Xavier – a colonist; Annick – Mary with baby Jesus; Quentin – a paper towel mummy; and Isaac – a bed sheet ghost.) We opened some bags of candy and the kids feasted on as much chocolate as their tummies could handle. Beth and Gerard have never looked forward so much to the arrival of November.